Patients have the right to the following:

  • Considerate and respectful care
  • Be treated with dignity and respect
  • Obtain complete and current information concerning his/her diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms that patients can reasonably understand.
  • Obtain copies of their medical reports by applying through the appropriate channels
  • Seek second opinion about their disease or treatment from another Practitioner
  • Necessary information to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure.
  • Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of his/her actions according to the law.
  • Privacy. The health worker has a duty to sensitise the patient when others are involved. e.g trainees
  • Expect that all communications concerning him/her shall be treated confidentially.
  • Expect that within its capacity, a hospital must make reasonable response to the request of the patient.
  • Reasonable continuity of care.
  • Has the right to receive an explanation on his/her bill regardless of who is paying
  • Know what hospital rules and regulations apply to his/her conduct as a patient.
  • Be informed about what to do in the event of an emergency
  • Freedom of choice except in the case of emergency care
  • Obtain any information as to the relationship of his/her hospital to other health care and educational institutions as far as his/her health is concerned.
  • Know if the hospital proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation affecting his/her treatment.
  • Withdraw their consent and terminate care at any point or get this done on their behalf by the recognized legal guardian or next of kin
Patients have the following responsibilities:
  • To treat all hospital staff with respect and dignity
  • To faithfully undergo the AGREED treatment
  • To follow the health worker’s instructions diligently
  • To take necessary preventive measures in case of infectious disease according to doctor’s instructions
  • To be aware that health workers would endeavour to always act in their best interests. However, being human beings, are susceptible to occasional mistakes and lapses
  • To be aware that ALL procedures and treatment modalities carry varying levels of risk for which health workers are not liable
  • To make payment for the treatment, wherever applicable, to the hospital promptly
  • To respect the competence of the health workers to make professional decisions on patients’ care
  • To be punctual at clinics/hospitals for treatment at the given time
  • To preserve all the records of their illness
  • To keep the Hospital Management informed if change of doctors/hospital is desirable/desired.