PRESS RELEASE: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020
Wednesday, 29th April, 2020.
Update on Diagnosed Cases of COVID 19 in the University College Hospital, Ibadan
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a wide reaching spread on the world with consequences on the every major sphere of human life. The University College Hospital, Ibadan being the flagship tertiary healthcare institution in the West African sub-region has however worked assiduously to provide necessary healthcare services in the management of known cases while taking necessary steps to curb the spread of the virus.
As at 7pm, Tuesday, 28th April, 2020, the total number of COVID 19 patients that the Hospital had attended to are 10 (ten). Out of these, 6 (six) patients were managed as in-patients in the isolation unit or other locations in the Hospital,
2 (two) of which were discharged after being declared free from the virus from results of investigations done. One patient was however transferred to Lagos for further treatment.
Sadly, 2 (two) deaths have been recorded.
Presently, there are 2 (two) active confirmed cases of COVID 19 being managed by Staff of the Hospital.
1 (one) of these is on admission while the other is being managed at home.
No new case has been reported in the last 48 hours.
The University College Hospital, Ibadan will continue to render excellent care and services to both COVID 19 and non COVID 19 patients. The Hospital equally enjoins everyone to abide by the required hygiene standards such as regular hand washing, use of hand sanitizers & face masks. Further updates would be made available as events unfold. Stay safe.
Our attention has been drawn to a Facebook account named, Jesse A Otegbayo with link :
Please note that this account is operated by fraudsters who may have been communicating with unsuspecting members of the public to cynical ends.
Members of the Public are hereby advised to be wary of this Facebook account and the unscrupulous acts that it may be used to propagate.
The Instagram account has also been cloned. Our Hospital business is never transacted on social media, so beware of scammers.