Sepeteri Comprehensive Health Centre first ophthalmic surgery
The Hospital’s Sepeteri Comprehensive Health Centre commissioned in 2014 recorded its first set of ophthalmic surgery recently when seven people including a 96years old man had their Cataract infested eye operated on by the Hospital’s Dr Olutoke Ayorinde a Consultant Community Ophtamologist and her medical team.
Dr Ayorinde said that such surgical intervention would be held every third Thursday of the month in Sepeteri till the backlog of such cases are cleared off.
The happy patients were discharged home the next day.
The Centre was rehabilitated by Senator Hosea Agboola aka Hallelujah as part of his 2014 Constituency Project.
Our attention has been drawn to a Facebook account named, Jesse A Otegbayo with link :
Please note that this account is operated by fraudsters who may have been communicating with unsuspecting members of the public to cynical ends.
Members of the Public are hereby advised to be wary of this Facebook account and the unscrupulous acts that it may be used to propagate.
The Instagram account has also been cloned. Our Hospital business is never transacted on social media, so beware of scammers.