JAC Pays a Thank You Visit to the Hospital Management

The Joint Action Committee of Unions (JAC) in UCH today paid a thank you visit to the Hospital management. The Committee led by its Chairman, Comrade Dr. John Alli was received by the Chief Medical Director, Professor Jesse Abiodun Otegbayo.
During the visit, the union leaders expressed their gratitude to the Chairman Board of Management, members of the Board of Management and the Chief Medical Director for their commitment towards improving staff welfare and enhancing efficiency among the entire workforce of the Hospital.
Our attention has been drawn to a Facebook account named, Jesse A Otegbayo with link :https://www.facebook.com/jessea.otegbayo
Please note that this account is operated by fraudsters who may have been communicating with unsuspecting members of the public to cynical ends.
Members of the Public are hereby advised to be wary of this Facebook account and the unscrupulous acts that it may be used to propagate.
The Instagram account has also been cloned. Our Hospital business is never transacted on social media, so beware of scammers.