UCH Interns Emerge Global Runners-up at the 2019 RB Challenge.

Akinola Omobola 23, Odetola Similoluwa 23 and Akinluyi Toluwalase 21 emerged runners-up at the 2019 Reckitt Benckiser global challenge in the United Kingdom. Having won the national challenge in August, the physiotherapy interns were against all odds, crowned innovative global icons in September.
The global challenge was initiated in 2017 by fast-moving consumer goods brand, Reckitt Benckiser as a way to discover the world’s brightest and smartest minds whose leading-edge ideas can create significant social impact through any of its brand portfolios.
Competitors in this year’s challenge were charged to identify pertinent social issues in the areas of health and hygiene and to creatively procured solutions to such by means of product innovation, service innovation and service extension within the company’s portfolio.
The trio finished runners-up upon presenting their winning idea, “DETTOL SHOEMATE”- a disinfecting doormat which helps to curb the spread of infectious diseases via shoe soles.
Having entered the competition alongside 7200 teams comprising of 19000 students across the globe, the trio excelled through all four stages of the national competition before representing Nigeria at the global finale in the United Kingdom.
Our attention has been drawn to a Facebook account named, Jesse A Otegbayo with link :https://www.facebook.com/jessea.otegbayo
Please note that this account is operated by fraudsters who may have been communicating with unsuspecting members of the public to cynical ends.
Members of the Public are hereby advised to be wary of this Facebook account and the unscrupulous acts that it may be used to propagate.
The Instagram account has also been cloned. Our Hospital business is never transacted on social media, so beware of scammers.