IPC, including PPES Logistics
• Task Force teams conducted monitoring and enforcement rounds to all designated areas in
UCH Community.
• Overcrowding, mainly by staff in offices and services, was a primary concern. Some
departments were flagged for the alarming number of staff present, and Task Force team
met with HODs of affected departments/Units for corrective action on staff safety.
• O&G Clinic demonstrated commendable physical distancing and related IPC measures inproviding safe services to patients.
• Many HODs are yet to present their respective departments’ SOPs for service provision,
including staff management, that are consistent with national and global IPC guidelines in the current pandemic. The SOPs are first approved by Management before implementation.
• There has been some observable misuse of PPEs, especially medical face masks, across the Hospital. Task Force continues to educate members of the community about the proper use of PPEs for clinical purposes. Meanwhile, Management has commissioned the production of cloth facemasks for other uses by staff, which may ease pressure on the medical facemasks.
• Task Force met with business owners in UCH community on 21 April 2020, in collaboration
with General Admin, to align all business operations along with IPC measures.
Case Management
• Three cases were confirmed within the week: one on self-isolation at home; one on active
case management at IDU; and one deceased.
Dignified Management of the Dead (MotD)
• COVID-19 positive patient, treated at ICU, died on 26 April 2020. The UCH, in collaboration
with the Oyo State government, is handling the body according to protocol.
• Departments/units to urgently update their representatives as Health and Safety officers,
and communicate to the office of CMAC.
• Please continue to keep children and personal visitors away from all offices and service outlets.Activities for the Week (27 April-03 May 2020)
• All hospital staff that had been listed as contacts of the 3 confirmed positive cases as at Saturday 25 April 2020, are being assessed individually to determine their level of risk of exposure. These concerned staff should await management directive on appropriate actions
to take by each of them.
• Task Force Team will visit Sepeteri for assessment and institution of relevant IPC measures.
• Hospital Rounds and Spot Checks in all areas of UCH Community continue, and we solicit the support of the entire staff in this assertion:
If you see something, say something, and do something!
Please, for all Task Force related issues, call or send SMS to 09062980446
Our attention has been drawn to a Facebook account named, Jesse A Otegbayo with link :https://www.facebook.com/jessea.otegbayo
Please note that this account is operated by fraudsters who may have been communicating with unsuspecting members of the public to cynical ends.
Members of the Public are hereby advised to be wary of this Facebook account and the unscrupulous acts that it may be used to propagate.
The Instagram account has also been cloned. Our Hospital business is never transacted on social media, so beware of scammers.